Choosing Self-Mastery over Safety

A True Anger is Better Than a False Smile.

Published by Khaled Nassra on

“Be Loose and natural, what does it mean? it means don’t fight with yourself, be loose. Don’t try to make a structure around yourself of a character, of morality. Don’t create imprisonment around you. Remain loose, floating, moving with the situation, respond to the situation. Don’t move with a fixed attitude. Remain loose like water, not fixed like ice. Remain moving and flowing; wherever nature leads you, go. Don’t resist, don’t try to impose anything on you, on your being. Don’t resist, don’t try to impose anything on you, on your being. Don’t force a structure around you, live moment by moment live with alertness”

To be totally free, it is going to be very difficult in the beginning, because the old habits will constantly be there, they will try to interrupt your freedom, forcing you to do something. You would like to be angry, but the old habit simply starts with a smile on your face, a fake smile, to cover your anger. I meet a lot of people, who are always smiling especially they have a need to be angry, people who are always positive, all the time, I call that fake and someone who tries to avoid conflict, they create so sort of smiley happy person all the time, to run away from confrontational situations & not being true to himself. I call those people, hypocrites.

A hypocrite is an unnatural person: if anger is there, he will smile, if hate is there he will show love, if he feels furious, he will pretend compassion, if he feels nervous, he will act calm and relax. A hypocrite is absolutely artificial, a fake flower, ugly, of no use.

To meet a real authentic people who can express themselves truly is almost impossible in this world. to me, it looks as if we are living some sort of play with talented actors and actresses.

When you start to become more authentic with your yourself and natural with every moment you are going by, you may feel completely alone, but this is only a temporary phase, soon others will start to feel your authenticity, to me, authentic anger is better than a fake smile because at least it is authentic, you can rely on this person, you can trust him.


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