Choosing Self-Mastery over Safety

Experience Vs Knowledge

Published by Khaled Nassra on

It surprises me that, most people make their decisions based on some knowledge they heard or read about it, or they inherited from the environment they are surrounded with, without putting themselves in the experience itself.

Experience is a process, it begins, but it never ends. You enter it, but you never possess it. It is like a drop into dropping into the ocean, or the ocean itself dropping into the drop. it is a deep merge, it is oneness: you simply melt away into it. Nothing is left behind it.

Knowledge means nothing without indulging yourself in action. People go into deciding who will spend the rest of their life without experiencing what relationship means to them in the first place, or what type of person they are really attracted to. their experience might be different after they taste different types of relationship, maybe their view on relationship changes completely from the way they used to think about it, or maybe they don’t think a relationship is something they want to be part it, or maybe they are happy being single.

Knowledge is just words, words come from head to head, Experience is a feeling, a feeling comes from the heart.

You might read about someone’s travel experience in a country you are planning to visit, but there is no way, you can experience the same feeling he/ she had, and if someone told you” I know how it feels” tell him: ” No, you don’t!!”

Experience is something happens to you and no matter how you much you try to explain it, the other can’t feel the same way you felt about it, it doesn’t make sense to you, it is just happening and you are just witnessing, you are not trying to try, you are just there, allowing things to happen, responding to the whatever comes to your intuition, no resistance, just complete surrender. you be surprised that life begins to happen to you and millions of things will happen.

Knowledge is words organized in way that your brain can make a sense of it, it had to make sense to you, otherwise, you think you are incompetent, you think you need to know more, you think there is something missing, you will never find it, you are going to a vicious endless circle and you are trapped.

When you are indulging in an experience, don’t have a plan, or a target to achieve, you will spoil the magic, you will ruin uniqueness of it, no need to push forward, let the experience stimulate you and react to it as you go with it, respond to it as you curiosity arises in you

I would say this: don’t get into something without experiencing a lot of it,
Don’t get into a relationship with experience what relationship really means to you, don’t settle for one job, before you experience many, then you will have a full spectrum about what you really want, what excites you, what brings the best of you without trying to be the best, Now you are clear, you are alive, you are just being there and your experience becomes unique to you, in you, and with you forever.


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