Choosing Self-Mastery over Safety

Love, transcendence & Infinity

Published by Khaled Nassra on

The Love you know is nothing but a biological urge, it depends on your chemistry and your hormones. It can be changed very easily – a small change in your chemistry and the love that you thought was ” the ultimate truth” will simply disappear. You have been calling Lust ” Love”

. With no doubt, Love has mysteries is going to be different from the love with which you are normally seeking.

Lust arises from out of your body. Love arises out of your consciousness. But people don’t know their consciousness and the misunderstanding goes on and on – their bodily lust is taken for love

Once you are in touch with the truth, you are in touch with Love!

The real Love is a nourishment, it strengthens your soul. The ordinary Love only to feed his ego – not the real you but the unreal you. remember, the unreal feeds the unreal, and the real feeds the real.

Love is always surprised, it is a good surprise because there are no expectations.

always the lover is a tiny expression of your Love.

Real love is always detached

Without food, the body is weak, without love the soul is weak.

They say “love others but don’t love yourself ” bullshit” how can you love others if you can’t love yourself. I say Love yourself and wherever you move, you are loving.

If your love is focused on others, you will live in darkness. First, you must turn the light towards yourself, let the love make you tremendous power, a spiritual force.

A single moment of Love is more than a whole eternity.

If you are not allowing to love yourself, your spirit, your soul becomes weaker and weaker every day.

Love has to begin from the very beginning. Love has to start with the first step: LOVE YOURSELF

they also say: if you love yourself, you become egoistic, you become narcissistic. this is bullshit!!! it is the other way around, it is by loving others without trying to love yourself, the ego arises, the social reformers, the missionaries.

By ignoring yourself and focus on others, you have condemned the first human being that came across, that is YOU!! You have not respected yourself, not loving yourself.

your first step to an infinite limitless and mindless state of love, joy is to think of yourself as worthy and loved by existence.

I want to kill time as I have too much of it!!

Your mind is constantly projecting – projecting itself. Your mind is constantly interfering with reality, giving it a colour, shape, and form that not it’s own. Your mind never allows you to see that which is; it allows you to see only that which it wants to see.

Scientists used to think that our eyes, nose, and our other senses and the mind were nothing but opening to reality, bridges to reality. But now the whole understanding has changed. Now they say our senses and the mind are not opening to reality but guards against it

Only two per cent of reality ever gets through these guards into you; 98% is kept outside.

You are just here for a few years to be. Enjoy, delight, be happy, dance, and love; and out of your love and dancing, out of deep selfishness will start an overflowing of energy. You will be able to share with others.

Love, I say is one of the most selfish things.

A happy person belongs to himself, why should he belong to an organization? that is the way to an unhappy person: to belong to someone group or organisation, to belong to some crowd. because he has no roots in himself, he does not belong – and that gives him very, very deep anxiety: he should belong. he creates a substitute belonging. He goes and become part of a political party, of a revolutionary party, or a thing. Now he feels he belongs: A crowd is there in which he is rooted. One should be rooted in oneself because the way from oneself moves deep down into existence.

We should not belong to any sort of community, organization, we should only belong to our self, to our existence.

Attached to nothing:

Love is the only freedom from attachment. When you love everything you are attached to nothing.

Man-made prisoner by the love of a woman and woman made prisoner by the love of a man is equally unfit for freedom’s precious crown.

Why you cling to something?

Because you are afraid to lose it, perhaps somebody may steal it. You fear that what is available to you today may not be available to you tomorrow.

Break your heart until it opens & go all the way in. 

To suffer in love is creative; it takes you to a higher level of consciousness. To suffer without love is a waste; it leads you nowhere, it keeps you moving in the same vicious circle.

The higher love needs you to be vulnerable. You have to drop your armour; that is painful. You have to not be constantly on guard. You have to drop the calculating. You have to risk. You have to live dangerously. The other can hurt you; that is the fear in the being vulnerable. The other can reject you; that is the fear of being in love.

The reflection that you will find in the other of yourself may be ugly – that is the anxiety; avoid the mirror! but by avoiding the mirror you are not going to become beautiful. By avoiding the situation you are not going to grow, either. The challenge has to be taken.

Love will transform you, and the transformation is going to be from self toward a state of no-self, agony is very deep. But you can’t have ecstasy without going through agony. If the gold wants to be purified, it has to go through the fire.

Love is a Very Paradoxical phenomenon:

If you watch two lovers, they are two and one together. that is the paradox of love, and that’s the beauty of it – they are two, and yet they are not two, they are one. if there is no oneness, there is no love.

What is Love: 

Lust is a blind passion, Love is the fragrance of the silent, peaceful, meditative heart. Love has nothing to do with biology or chemistry or hormones.

Love is the flight of your consciousness to a higher realm, beyond matter and bod.

Everybody asking to be loved

This is the misery of the whole world. Everybody is asking to be loved, and pretending to love. YOU don’t know the truth, you don’t know the experience of the divine, you don’t know the fragrance of the beauty. What have you got to give? You are so empty, you are so hallowed…

I don’t want to hurt you but I am helpless, I have to say the truth to you: You don’t know what love is. You can’t know because you have not yet gone deeper in your consciousness. You have not experienced yourself, you know nothing about who you are.

First, you have to be full of light, and full of delight – so full that you start overflowing.


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